Fundraising Events

The Trust has to generate all its own funds to make a difference in the lives of young children, including those with special educational needs and/or who are disadvantaged. The more we raise, the more children we can reach, and the more our coaches can inspire!

Almost half of our income comes in the form of grants, primarily from trusts and foundations, and only 20% comes from fees – we keep charges as low as possible so there are no barriers to participation.

It means that we have to raise the remainder – over 30 per cent – ourselves through fundraising events and our Friends of Scheme.

We like to put the ‘fun’ in fundraising so those taking part get to experience a great event along with that ‘feel good’ rush from helping others.

Here are our main fundraising events for 2025:

Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust Charity Dinner

To be held at the world famous Trent Bridge Cricket Ground
Date and special guests to be confirmed

Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust – Orienteering Festival and Family Fun Day

Date to be confirmed

Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust – Charity Golf Day

Annual Charity Golf Day 28th August 2025
1.00pm Shotgun Start

Radcliffe on Trent Golf Club, Dewberry Lane, NG12 2JH

12 noon    Registration, Bacon Rolls & Coffee
1.00pm     Shotgun Start
6.00pm     Dinner
7.30pm     Prizegiving and Guest Speaker
8.15pm     Raffle

£350 per team of 4

To book your team place or for further information & sponsorship opportunities please contact:

Darren Bicknell on 07825 992406 or

Download Flyer

Download Booking Form

Duchess of Rutland XI v MCC Cricket Match

Date to be confirmed

    We look forward to welcoming you soon!

    In the meantime, please check out our Crowdfunding page and How to Get Involved section.