
To enquire about volunteering please contact Darren Bicknell on 07825 992406

Why volunteer

There are many reasons that people give for volunteering, for some, volunteering can be a route to employment, or a chance to try something new which may lead to a career change.

From this perspective, volunteering can be a way of:

  • Gaining new skills, knowledge and experience
  • Developing existing skills and knowledge
  • Enhancing a CV
  • Improving one’s employment prospects
  • Gaining an accreditation
  • Using one’s professional skills and knowledge to benefit others (usually described as pro bono)

For others, volunteering appeals because of its social benefits. These include:

  • Meeting new people
  • Making new friends
  • A chance to socialise
  • Getting to know the local community

On top of this, many people volunteer for a variety of other reasons, such as:

  • Giving something back to an organisation that has impacted on a person’s life, either directly or indirectly
  • A desire to make a difference to the lives of others
  • Good karma
  • Helping the environment
  • Helping others less fortunate or without a voice
  • Feeling part of a team
  • Feeling valued
  • Having quality time away from work or a busy lifestyle
  • Building up trust
  • Gaining confidence and self-esteem
  • Finding a volunteering role that suits one’s own needs and lifestyle

Why not give us a call and get involved – please!

A beekeeper holding a beehive frame in front of a groupd of children.
A gamekeeper behind a table giving a presentation to a group of children sitting on grass.
A woman with a bird of prey resting on her gloved hand.
A man giving a presentation about livestock in front of a group of children sitting on grass.